We represented over ten banks and financial institutes of Merrill Lynch, JPMORGAN, HSBC, China Bank of Communications, Bank of China, CITIC Ka Wah Bank, Bank of East Asia, United Overseas Bank, Cathay Bank, United Bank, etc. to handle large amount loan projects and important lawsuits about business loan, legal services of investigation and evidence collection from some banks with government authorities. Included, represented China Bank of Communications to negotiate with Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to exempt from a huge amount of fine and complete credit promoting. Assisted many China banks to participate in investing American Companies of Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan & Chase, Morgan Stanley, Atlantic City Electric Company, Philip Morris Companies, Inc., Time Warner Cable Inc., etc. for a combined loan case of hundred million dollars. Represented many banks to handle business, project and credit loan cases for over billion dollars.
In 1999, represented the California based Cathay Bank, when Federal Reserve Bank announced its sudden decision to close Golden City Bank within a week and the Bank was in an urgent need of a “successor”. Successfully winning the bid among forty bank bidders, taking over Golden City Bank at a thunder speed, and enabling the Bank to open for business right the next day, which avoided serious social and financial crisis and a possible “thousands of deposits bank run”. The quick move saved local community from social crisis and bank run, received praises from U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
In 2007, represented Cathay Bank again to acquire Guan Dong Bank successfully with capital of 2 hundred million.
During the period of international financial storm in 2008, cooperated with U.S. Federal Deposit & Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to force United Commercial Bank officially to close down and merger case with East West Bank.