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US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation (USPAACC) was founded in 1984 as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization to educate, train, develop, and advocate for equal opportunity for Asian American (includes East, South and Southeast Asian and Pacific Islanders) businesses, professionals, and business organizations in the corporate and government procurement market and to promote business between Asian Americans and their business partners in corporations, government agencies, and in the small and minority business community.

Headquartered in Washington, DC, USPAACC has regional chapters in California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Georgia and the Maryland-Virginia-Washington, DC National Capital area.

For over 28 years, USPAACC has served as the “go to” place for Asian American large, medium and small businesses for opportunities to sell to major corporations and governments at the federal, state and local levels and for corporations and governments to identify Asian American suppliers in the United States and abroad.

Through extensive outreach, advocacy, educational, training, technical assistance, and business development counseling programs, USPAACC has created an environment and platform where Asian American businesses could network, exchange ideas, share best practices, procurement, technical and marketing information with each other, and form teams and joint ventures together.

USPAACC’s Asian American Business Certification program provides corporate and government supplier diversity and small business programs with qualified and quality suppliers.

In 1999, USPAACC introduced the One-on-One Prescheduled Business Match-Making Program to the procurement market. Since then, it has successfully linked thousands of large, medium and small businesses to major corporations and federal, state, and local government agencies, leading to contract awards.

USPAACC also invests in the community’s future leaders through an annual College Scholarship Awards program. Each year, over $100,000 in educational benefits is given to some of the most talented and hardworking college-bound high school seniors who have demonstrated academic achievement, community service and financial need.

CelebrAsian, the largest annual national Asian American business conference in the United States, brings together some of the best and brightest Asian American entrepreneurs in business, science and technology, engineering, communications, advertising and media, manufacturing, transportation, finance and insurance, all under one roof, to network with procurement and marketing professionals from major corporations and governments. CelebrAsian also recognizes the achievements of outstanding Asian Americans in business, in corporate America, in government, and young talents in the Asian American community with the Excellence Awards.

USPAACC’s sustained growth over the past 26 years is possible through strong, dedicated, and never-give-up leaders and members with common goals and shared values. It has worked with four U.S. Presidents, seen the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the exciting Information Technology revolution, globalization, the Asia financial crisis, the September 11 terrorist attacks, Katrina, and the 2008 financial crisis. Throughout, USPAACC has kept a steady presence, providing the one unified voice for equal opportunity for Asian American businesses, professionals and business organizations at the Nation’s Capital and across the country.

As a thought leader with 28-year of track record in business matchmaking accomplishments, strong partnerships with corporations, government, and Asian American businesses, USPAACC is poised to raise the bar to yet another level.